Strategic Plan

Providing personalized, affordable, quality, and empowering education.

Strategic Plan

Salem Community College Strategic Plan: FY2025 to FY2028

Priority 1:  Exemplify a safe, welcoming, and supportive campus environment for students, staff, and the visiting community.

Sponsor:  Kelly Schimpf, Dean of Enrollment & Student Services

Goal 1-1: Attract, support, and retain non-traditional students.

Champion:  Laura Green, Director of Advising & Student Support

Goal 1-2: Develop peer support networks and student organizations that foster a safe, welcoming, and supportive campus.

Champion:  Amy Bennis-Kimball, Director of Admissions

Goal 1-3: Focus on the first-generation college experience. 

Champion:  Katelyn Good, Assistant Director of EOF


Priority 2: Expand on community health education. 

Sponsor:  Maura Cavanagh Dick, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Goal 2-1: Expand and enhance nursing programs.

Champion:  Dr. Renee Gieswein, Interim Director of Nursing

Goal 2-2: Prioritize wellness through basic needs and health support services.    

Champion:  Thomas McGuire Jr., Assistant Professor of Health Science


Priority 3: Provide regional leadership in workforce development. 

Sponsor:  Ken Robell, Vice President and Chief Academic Officer

Goal 3-1: Provide integrated and targeted career services to students.

Champion:  Angel Rodriguez, Academic Advisor

Goal 3-2: Strengthen business and industry partnerships.

Champion:  Kristin Deady, Assistant Dean of Glass Education


Priority 4: Embrace Salem County’s evolving future. 

Sponsor:  Dr. Michael Gorman, President 

Goal 4-1: Tailor curriculum to equip all learners with the knowledge and skills required for the modern workplace.

Champion:  William Mays, Associate Professor of Mathematics

Goal 4-2: Foster pathways to strengthen community connections.

Champion:  Irma Cruz, Director of EOF

Goal 4-3: Engage and cultivate community groups within the county.

Champion:  William Clark, Director of Public Relations, Community Outreach and Alumni Affairs

Priority 5: Demonstrate Salem Community College’s commitment to innovation and excellence.  

Sponsor:  Roderick Jefferson, Chief Financial Officer

Goal 5-1: Anticipate changes to programmatic offerings to ensure student academic and workforce success.

Champion:  Dr. Anetha Perry, GEAR UP/College Bound Academic Career Counselor

Goal 5-2: Exemplify best practices in operational effectiveness and compliance. 

Champion:  Marc Roy, Assistant Dean of Institutional Research & Planning

Goal 5-3: Enhance employee performance, satisfaction, and organizational effectiveness through targeted and ongoing training and development initiatives.

Champion:  Shachara Adams, Director of Human Resources