Educational Opportunity Fund

The State of New Jersey established the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Program in 1968 to allow educationally and economically disadvantaged residents to attend college. Since its inception, the EOF Program has helped thousands of students realize their academic dreams and career goals.

Salem Community College is committed to recruiting, providing financial assistance, and inspiring student like you. EOF admissions and financial aid eligibility decisions are made at the campus level, within state guidelines. While the program provides financial support, it also offers tutoring, counseling and academic advising. EOF also offers a pre-college summer program that consists of an orientation, an intensive academic schedule, counseling and tutoring.


Irma Cruz

Director of EOF

P: 856.351.2706

Irma Cruz

Katelyn Good

EOF Assistant Director

P: 856.351.2636

Katelyn Good

Wendy Jo Brewer

EOF Advisor

P: 856.351.2212

Wendy Jo Brewer

Am I EOF Eligible?

EOF Eligibility Criteria:

EOF eligibility is based on each family's gross annual income and household size as stipulated by state EOF regulations. Candidates interested in applying for EOF should contact the EOF Program Director to discuss the specific eligibility requirements and discuss the application process at Salem Community College. Once eligibility has been determined, students may continue to participate in the program. Please refer to the Eligibility Scale.

To be considered for EOF you must:

  • Be a United States citizen, permanent resident, or NJ Dreamer
  • Be a New Jersey resident for at least 12 consecutive months prior to receiving the award
  • Meet the NJ state mandated income guidelines (see Income Eligibility Scale)
  • Demonstrate an educational and economically disadvantaged background
  • Be accepted to Salem Community College
  • Complete an EOF application
  • Enroll as a full-time or part-time student at Salem Community College
  • File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid application
  • Have gross income and assets fall within the criteria shown
$30,120 $6,024
$105,440 $21,088
*** Add $10,760 for each additional family memberAdd $2,152 for each additional family member 


$42,319 $8,464
$148,143 $29,629
*** Add $15,118 for each additional family memberAdd $3,024 for each additional family member 


The EOF staff believes that you can succeed in college if you fully use your potential, motivation and desire. Staff members will support and encourage you along the way.

    EOF advisors guide students through academic, personal, financial, and career-related issues. Once students have chosen their majors, an EOF Advisor helps those students select courses that fulfill their major requirements. Staff carefully monitor the progress of each student and frequently will suggest appropriate support resources. Advising is not limited to academic support; EOF students are provided opportunities to develop career pathway plans best suited for their individual goals and ambitions, as well as opportunities to gain professional experience and attend networking events throughout the academic year. Students will also have an opportunity to do campus visits to the transfer school of their choice. We take a holistic approach to ensure students are successful in all areas.

    SCC’s EOF Program is committed to collaborating with and contributing to its local community partners. We offer multiple opportunities throughout the academic year for our EOF students to learn more about our community partners and give back to those who may be less fortunate. Students have the option to volunteer through our EOF service projects that serve the immediate community. This also includes hosting jobs fairs on campus with small businesses and local vendors to the surrounding areas, as well as college fairs that include South Jersey adjacent schools. In this unique way we encourage our students to explore other career options and assist them to build those relationships with key partners from Salem County.

    The NJ Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE) partners yearly with the NJ EOF Program to generously allocate funding for EOF campus programs. The goal of the special project funding is to improve program services that encourage student engagement, community, and persistence as well as ensure that we are adequately addressing students needs. Some of the projects that have been completed at SCC with special project funding have been the following:

    • The full revamping of SCC’s EOF Event Room located in the Student Union Donaghay 106
    • Mental Health Mastery Methods course in partnership with Intention Elevation
    • A paid Graduate Assistant position on the EOF Team to assist with student retention

    Summer Bridge Program

    Freshman who have been accepted into EOF attend the Summer Bridge Program prior to their first fall semester. The program includes a free orientation that offers students an opportunity to meet EOF staff and SCC faculty, review EOF rules and regulations, and become familiar with the campus. It also provides students with the support needed to have a successful academic and social transition, as well as prepare students for the demands and rewards of college.

    During this orientation, students examine the meaning of success and focus on concrete ways to achieve personal success. Topics include academic excellence, conflict resolution, study skills, time management, writing skills and test-taking strategies.

    EOF Summer Bridge

    EOF Application Process:

    • Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
    • Complete an EOF Application
    • Please provide proof of income (IRS 1040 form, Social Security Benefits statement, Disability Benefits statement, Unemployment benefits statement, Public Assistance benefits - AFDC, Child Support from the previous year for both parent and student. All EOF applicants are required to submit the required IRS Income Tax Transcript documents for parents and students; if you and/or your parents filed income taxes. You can access information to request these documents here.
    • Follow the policies of the EOF Program and the College as outlined in the EOF Handbook and the Student Handbook

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Feel free to contact EOF if you still have questions. For more information about EOF please visit the NJ state EOF information page.

      EOF stands for the Educational Opportunity Fund. It is a New Jersey state-funded program offering academic, financial and counseling support services to students who meet the selective criteria set forth by New Jersey Higher Education. 42 of New Jersey's community colleges and public and private four-year colleges and universities participate in the EOF Program.

      The EOF offers an array of student and academic services. Services include academic advisement, academic planning, major selection, career development and personal development and leadership workshops.

      A student interested in the EOF program must have completed an admissions application and have been accepted by SCC. The student must contact the EOF office to fill out an EOF application. If the student meets the pre-qualifications, an interview will be scheduled to assess if the student is a candidate for the program.

      *** Since there is limited space available for this program, interested students are advised to complete an EOF application as soon as possible.***

      The EOF grant is a state grant which supplements your total financial aid package.

      The EOF grant is awarded to students by the state of NJ; it is not required to be paid back. Students must complete the FAFSA application each year by the June 1st deadline to remain eligible. Students may receive up to six semesters of EOF funding.

      EOF is not an entitlement program and there are requirements that must be met if you are to be accepted. The interview helps EOF determine whether you meet the state income requirements and also assists us in determining your motivation and potential to succeed in college.

      The EOF grant is a form of financial aid. Your eligibility for this grant and other aid is determined based upon the income information you provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Many students who receive EOF grants also receive the Federal Pell Grant and a NJ Tuition Aid Grant (TAG).

      This is a program for students with a history of low income and no previous college experience. You do not have to be a parent or a member of a minority group. We make awards strictly based upon state economic and poverty guidelines and the potential to succeed.

      You must meet with your assigned counselor at least twice a month, attend workshops offered each semester and maintain a 2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average. You must maintain full-time status, comply with academic mandates and attend tutoring sessions, if so advised.

      The EOF summer program begins about the last week of June and continues for five weeks. Classes are held Monday thru Thursday. The students will work intensively for this period of time in Reading, Math, and Writing. Students will also attend orientation, tutoring and register for the Fall semester during this time.

      The summer program provides a head start on getting to know the campus, administration and faculty members. During the summer program students bond with other EOF and non EOF colleagues, thus, making the transition smoother upon the arrival of the Fall semester.