Contact Public Safety
- Salem Community College
- Tillis Hall room TIL112
- 856.351.2911
Department of Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety is staffed by non-sworn, unarmed personnel who are available at all times when the College is open. Public Safety Officers are authorized to enforce College regulations including the issuance of tickets for violations of parking and tobacco regulations. Officers are authorized to identify persons on College property and detain violators pending the arrival of law enforcement. There are red emergency phones located in each building on all campuses that are clearly identified and can be used 24 hours a day. The call boxes at all instructional sites except the Carneys Point campus dial directly to 911, as do all elevator emergency phones. The emergency phones on the main campus dial direct to the Public Safety office.
All Public Safety officers attend mandatory in-service training in topics such as incident command, first aid and CPR, bloodborne pathogens as well as College safety and security issues.
The Department of Public Safety works closely with the local police departments, and relies on these relationships for support on several levels. In addition to exchanging critical information, the Department of Public Safety has immediate contact with the Carneys Point and Salem City Police Departments, the New Jersey State Police and the Salem County Communications Center. This arrangement gives us immediate access to support from the local police departments, as well as the fire and EMS agencies in those jurisdictions.
Parking Regulations
Salem Community College is concerned about the safety and welfare of its students, faculty and staff, and seeks to provide a safe and secure environment. In addition to the procedures detailed in this handbook, the College Board of Trustees has developed a series of policies to help protect persons while they are on College property. Copies of the policies are available in the Public Relations Office, Room TIL 210 of Tillis Hall. All College personnel assist in promoting campus safety. Public Safety Officers are on campus during hours of instruction and are available for safety escorts at any time. Students requiring an escort should contact Public Safety at 351-2911 or pick up any red phone.
All vehicles, including motorcycles, operated on SCC property must properly display a valid green parking permit. The permit is displayed on the outside of the rear window in the lower left corner as illustrated on peel off portion on the back of the permit. Decals for motorcycles/mopeds may be displayed anywhere on the vehicle as long as it is clearly visible (the right front fork is suggested). Parking decals expire annually each August 31st. A current vehicle registration must be presented before you can receive your permit. Permits are available at no charge from the Department of Public Safety, Room TIL 112 of Tillis Hall. Temporary permits are available through Public Safety and can be picked up at any time at TIL 112.
- All vehicles must be legally parked in a designated parking spot.
- For the purposes of these regulations, parking is defined as stationing a vehicle, with or without a driver in attendance, and irrespective of the period such a vehicle is stationed.
- There is no parking: along the driveway on the Klinke Green, in front of Davidow Hall, on the grass, in a fire lane or, in any other location not designated as a parking space.
- Students are not permitted to park in the employee parking area located in the rear of the campus between the golf course and Contini, Tillis and Donaghay Halls. Visitor’s parking spaces are for visitors only. (See Handicapped Parking)
- The College in no way guarantees that a parking space convenient to the individual will be provided. The responsibility for finding a parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. An inability to locate a convenient legal parking space is not an acceptable excuse for violation of these regulations. Parking is always available on Lot A.
- Only vehicles bearing valid handicapped license plates or placards (as issued by the motor vehicle commission or municipality) are permitted to park in designated handicapped parking spaces. The handicapped driver or passenger must provide proper identification (as issued by the MVC) upon request by any Public Safety Officer. (See Handicapped Parking)
- The operator of the vehicle will yield the right of way to pedestrians at all times in parking lots and campus roadways.
- Operators shall obey signs and the posted speed limit of 10 miles per hour at all times.
- All state and municipal laws and ordinances governing movement, operation and parking of vehicles shall apply on College property.
- Individuals who commit violations of ordinances or who commit offenses on College property or at College functions will be prosecuted.
Please refer to the campus map in your Student Handbook. Vehicles parked in violation of College regulations will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Failure to pay parking tickets will result in the holding of the student’s account and referral to a collections agency. Repeat offenders and scofflaws will forfeit their privilege of parking on College property and will have their vehicles towed at their own expense. (See parking violations section below.) Members of the College community are urged not to park on side streets near the campus. Parking is prohibited on Hollywood Avenue. Violators will be ticketed by Carneys Point Police.
- V1 - Failure to display permit - $25
- V2 - Occupying more than one space - $25
- V3 - Parking in a fire/emergency zone - $50
- V4 - Parking in visitors or reserved space - $25
- V5 - Parking in a non-designated area - $25
- V6 - Blocking access or impeding traffic flow - $25
- V7 - Parking in handicapped space without proper permit - $25
- V8 - Parking in employee area without proper permit - $25
- V9 - Littering
- First Offense - $25
- Second Offense - $50
- Third Offense - $75
- V10 - Smoking/using tobacco on College property
- First Offense - $25
- Second Offense - $50
- Third Offense - $75
At times, cars have been hit by stray golf balls from the adjoining golf course. Salem Community College is not responsible for any damage to cars parked in the College lots or for violations ticketed by the Carneys Point police. Parking is at the driver's own risk. All incidents of damage to property are investigated by Public Safety or law enforcement.
It is the policy of Salem Community College that handicapped parking is available to anyone who has been lawfully issued a handicapped permit or plates wherever that parking space’s location may be on campus. The closest available space to the student’s or employee’s destination is to be used, regardless of whether it may be located in visitor or employee designated parking areas. Public Safety Officers have the right to challenge anyone parking in any designated handicapped parking space for handicapped identification as authorized under N.J.S.A 39:4-138.

Student I.D. Cards
Student identification cards are required and each student should carry them at all times while on campus. Some services may not be provided if students can not produce an official SCC identification card. Student identification cards can be picked up in the Public Safety Office.
Bicycles, Motorcycles and Mopeds
Bike racks are provided on campus. No bicycles or motor-operated vehicles are to be ridden on walkways or grass, brought into any building or parked anywhere but designated areas.
Drugs and Alcohol
The use, possession, distribution, manufacturing and/or sale of controlled substances or paraphernalia are against the law. Possession, consumption, use without a prescription or transfer of controlled substances, including alcoholic beverages, is strictly forbidden on College property.
Access to College property is limited to students, faculty, staff and College-invited guests. Visitors must register through the Department of Public Safety, Room TIL 112 in Tillis Hall. Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Sound Amplification
Any sound amplification equipment (including radios, computers and iPods, etc.) must be played with earphones and must not disturb others.
Salem Community College is a smoke- and tobacco-free environment. Smoking also is prohibited in vehicles on College property, including off-campus instructional sites.
Firearms, Weapons and Explosives
Firearms, ammunition, explosives, other weapons and firecrackers are strictly forbidden on College property or at SCC functions.
Sexual Harassment
SCC policy prohibits sexual harassment in any form. Students who believe they have experienced sexual harassment should contact Public Safety at 351.2911 or visit TIL 112 of Tillis Hall. A copy of the Bill of Rights for Victims of Sexual Assault/Harassment is available in Student Affairs.
Children on Campus
Because of safety considerations, children are not authorized on College property at any time unless they are under the immediate supervision of a parent, guardian or registered student. Children are not permitted in classrooms at any time and are not to be left unsupervised.
Consistent with the N.J. Department of Public Health, the presence of dogs, cats and other pets is prohibited in all buildings except where their presence is necessary for research or instructional purposes. However, service animals wearing a harness and in the control of their owner are permitted in accordance with Section 35.136 of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA).
The responsibility of maintaining a healthy atmosphere and litter-free campus belongs to the entire College Community. Everyone should dispose of all trash, paper, cans and bottles in proper receptacles. Tables in the Student Union should be cleared by those who occupied them. Littering fines range from $25 to $75.
Closing announcements can be received via email and text. You must register with SCC Alert in order to receive these messages. Also, an alert message will be posted on the website.
Closings are announced by 6 a.m. for day classes and by 3 p.m. for evening classes. The following radio stations broadcast inclement-weather-related announcements for Salem Community College.
- KYW (1060 AM), Philadelphia (SCC code is 908)
- WDEL (1150 AM), Wilmington
- WSTW (93.7 FM), Wilmington
- WJBR (99.5 FM), Wilmington
You can also obtain SCC emergency-closing information from:
- FOX-TV, Philadelphia
- CBS3, Philadelphia
- NBC10 TV, Philadelphia
(NBC10 also has a free e-mail notification service. You can sign up to receive an e-mail from NBC10 should SCC close due to severe weather. To sign up, click on "EarthWatch" on NBC 10's home page, and then click on "Closings and Delays." Follow the instructions to register.)
Medical Emergency
- Use campus red phone or dial 856.351.2911 or,
- Call 911 directly
- Give your name, the nature of the emergency, the exact location and any other pertinent information.
Stay with the victim. If you must leave to call for help, return and stay with the victim until help arrives. Don’t move the victim unless they’re in danger. If unconscious, look for medic alert tags or jewelry. Render aid to your level of training. Gather information on the victim and brief responders when they arrive.
Fire or Explosion
- Activate the closest fire alarm pull box.
- Use campus red phone or dial 856.351.2911 or,
- Call 911 directly
- Give your name, the nature of the emergency, the exact location and any other pertinent information.
DO NOT use the elevators. Close all doors and turn off lights as you leave the room. Walk quickly to the nearest fir exit and tell others to do the same.
Leave the building and go to the designated rally point. Do not go to your vehicle or leave the campus until told to do so by Public Safety or other authority. Keep roadways, fire lanes, fire hydrants and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
Leave the building immediately from the closest fire exit as soon as the fire alarm sounds. Stay with your group, if possible. Close all doors and turn off lights as you leave the room. DO NOT use the elevators. Assist others with special needs and follow staff members’ instructions.
Leave the building and go to the designated rally point. Do not go to your vehicle or leave the campus until told to do so by Public Safety or other authority. Keep roadways, fire lanes, fire hydrants and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. Do not go back into the building until advised to do so by Public Safety personnel.
In a hostage or gunfire situation, call 911 or, 856.351.2911, or pick up any red phone. Give your exact location, the nature of the emergency, a description of the suspect and weapons, the number of potential hostages and their location, along with any other information asked.
Only if it is safe to do so, exit the building by moving quickly away from the sound of the gunfire. If it is not safe to exit, take cover immediately by going to the nearest room. Close and lock the door behind you. Turn off the lights and move to an area where you cannot be seen from the door.
Only move when confronted by uniformed law enforcement personnel. You may be searched and restrained as a precaution. Be cooperative.
If taken hostage:
- Be calm, be patient and avoid drastic actions or argumentative behavior.
- Follow instructions.
- Don’t speak unless spoken to.
- Expect the unexpected and be prepared to act quickly.
Emotionally Disturbed Persons
A mental health crisis becomes an emergency and public crisis when an individual is threatening to harm him/herself or others. If possible, attempt to contact authorities without being in close proximity to the person. In all events, protect yourself first!
- Use campus red phone or dial 856.351.2911 or,
- Call 911 directly
- Give your name, the nature of the emergency, the exact location and a description of the behavior.
Maintain an avenue of escape at all times. Keep calm and pleasant. Do not attempt to confront or detain the individual. Brief responders when they arrive.
Inappropriate Behavior
Inappropriate behavior may consist of:
- Disruptive outburst or any behavior potentially harmful to self, others or, property.
- Any demonstration which interferes with normal College operations.
- Suspicious person(s) or loitering
- Unsupervised children
- Use campus red phone or dial 856.351.2911 or,
- Call 911 directly
- Give your name, the nature of the emergency, the exact location and a description of the behavior.
Do not attempt to intervene. Get a description of the subject(s). Do not attempt to confront or detain the individual. Brief responders when they arrive.
Sexual Assault
- Use campus red phone or dial 856.351.2911 or,
- Call 911 directly
- Give your name, the nature of the emergency, the exact location and a description of the behavior.
The rights of the victim are to be protected and honored. Attempt to get a description of the suspect and report the description immediately as he/she may still be in the area. Do not allow the victim to change clothing, eat, drink ,or shower as this will destroy evidence. Follow instructions from Public safety and law enforcement.
Suspicious Packages
All members of the College community should be aware of any suspicious or unattended packages. If you discover a suspicious or unattended package:
Do not handle or look into the package!
- Use campus red phone or dial 856.351.2911 or,
- Call 911 directly
- Give your name, the nature of the emergency, the exact location and a description of the package.
Do not use two-way radios or cell phones near the package. Do not turn the room lights on or off. Brief responders when they arrive. Follow instructions from Public safety and law enforcement.
Death on Campus
An unconscious /unresponsive person with signs of morbidity is still considered a medical emergency until pronounced dead.
- Use campus red phone or dial 856.351.2911 or,
- Call 911 directly
- Give your name, the nature of the emergency, the exact location and any other pertinent information.
Render first aid to your level of training. Stay with the victim. Do not move the victim.
Secure the scene:
- Do not disturb the scene
- Keep the area clear of on-lookers.
- Gather information on the victim.
- Document lifesaving efforts.
- Brief responders when they arrive.
Follow instructions from Public Safety and law enforcement.
Handling Traumatic Events
Part of a traumatic incident is also dealing with the aftermath and getting yourself back into a safe and secure environment. Signs of emotional stress may occur immediately or take days or weeks to develop.
Initial signs may include:
- Fatigue.
- Dizziness.
- Chest pain.
- Shortness of breath.
- Headache.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Signs of shock.
In addition, cognitive, emotional and behavioral changes may be experienced. If you are experiencing any of these conditions, seek help through your physician or mental health professional. The College can help you get a referral if needed.
SCC Alert
SCC ALERT is a mass notification system that enables SCC students, faculty and staff to receive alerts and updates about weather-related class cancellations as text messages on cell phones. The College recommends that all students register. No advertisements are sent to the registered phones and students’ information is not shared with or sold to third parties.
To receive alerts, students must sign up for the service. Since this is a voluntary service, students may choose to opt-in or opt-out of the service at any time. Students are responsible for any text messaging charges from their wireless service provider. If you already are registered, simply login.
If you need assistance accessing your SCC Alert account, please call the Help Desk at (856)351.2671
Students: Have your 10 digit ID number available. This number is found on your Student ID card and on your schedule. This is your recommended username for SCC Alert.
Staff and Faculty: It is recommended that you use your SCC user ID and password.
- Know the name of your cell phone provider and have your cell phone with you and turned on when registering.
- Fill in the registration form. Include the area code when filling the phone number field.
- Click "create account".
- You will be sent to a web page where you must enter a validation code that you will receive via text message on the phone you registered.
- Enter this code, click "Validate" and your account will be activated. The registration process is not complete until you receive a validation code on the mobile phone via text message and type that code on the registration site.
- If you do not receive a validation code by text message during the registration process, check with your cell phone provider to ensure you have a phone with text messaging capability.
- You only have to register one time.
- Once your account is active, you can log in to your account using the login portal located to the right on this page.
- Once logged in, you can manage your account and:
- Change your status from active to inactive
- Change your cell phone number
- Change your cell phone provider
- Add an additional device number
- Add up to two email addresses
- SCC will send one test message per semester.
Campus Security Report
The Salem Community College Department of Public Safety is responsible for preparing and distributing this report by October 1st annually. Public Safety gathers police reports from other departments and agencies, such as the Salem City and Carneys Point Police Departments. The New Jersey State Police and other records from within the College to compile this information. Salem Community College does not have any non-campus student organizations.
We encourage members of the College community to use this report as a guide for safe practices on and off campus. For a paper copy, contact Public Safety at 856.351.2911 or e-mail
The Salem Community College Department of Public Safety is responsible for preparing and distributing this report by October 1st annually. Public Safety gathers police reports from other departments and agencies, such as the Salem City and Carneys Point Police Departments. The New Jersey State Police and other records from within the College to compile this information. Salem Community College does not have any non-campus student organizations. To view the latest Campus Security Report, use the navigation on the left.
We encourage members of the College community to use this report as a guide for safe practices on and off campus. For a paper copy, contact Public Safety at 856.351.2911 or e-mail
The Department of Public Safety is staffed by non-sworn, unarmed personnel who are available at all times when the College is open. Public Safety Officers are authorized to enforce College regulations including the issuance of tickets for violations of parking and tobacco regulations. Officers are authorized to identify persons on College property and detain violators pending the arrival of law enforcement. There are red emergency phones located in each building on all campuses that are clearly identified and can be used 24 hours a day. The call boxes at all instructional sites except the Carneys Point campus dial directly to 911, as do all elevator emergency phones. The emergency phones on the main campus dial direct to the Public Safety office.
All Public Safety officers attend mandatory in-service training in topics such as incident command, first aid and CPR, bloodborne pathogens as well as College safety and security issues.
The Department of Public Safety works closely with the local police departments, and relies on these relationships for support on several levels. In addition to exchanging critical information, the Department of Public Safety has immediate contact with the Carneys Point and Salem City Police Departments, the New Jersey State Police and the Salem County Communications Center. This arrangement gives us immediate access to support from the local police departments, as well as the fire and EMS agencies in those jurisdictions.
To help prevent crimes or to notify the community of serious incidents, the Department of Public Safety issues Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings to notify community members about emergent issues and criminal activity or safety issues in and around our community. Members of the community who know of a crime or other serious incident should report the incident to Public Safety at 856.351.2911 so that a campus safety alert can be issued, if warranted.
The Department distributes campus safety alerts in various ways. Once the Department of Public safety determines that an alert should be issued, the alert is sent in the form of public address, SMS/text messages, e-mail, RSS feed, Web site postings, social media and, in some cases, voice messaging. The Department also uses bulletin boards and other prominent locations throughout the campus.
The Department of Public Safety and Public Affairs are responsible for notifying the larger community of incidents occurring at the College that may impact surrounding jurisdictions. Public Safety is the liaison to other government agencies. Public Affairs is the point of contact for media outlets and acts as the Public Information Office for any event.
We encourage all students, employees and visitors to promptly report criminal incidents, accidents and other emergencies to Public Safety by dialing 2911 from any extension or 856.351.2911. The College's red emergency phones can immediately connect with our dispatch center or the Salem County Communications Center. The College does not have pastoral or professional counselors on staff.
Salem Community College annually schedules drills, exercises and appropriate activities designed for assessment and evaluation of emergency plans and capabilities. The College publishes its emergency response and evacuation procedures annually and distributes to students and employees.
Access to campus building and grounds is a privilege extended to students, faculty, staff and College invited guests. The College encourages an open environment with limited constraints to ensure adequate protection of all members of the community. Most campus facilities are open during the weekday business hours. Individuals who wish access during non-business hours or for special events should contact the appropriate department administrator or Public Safety at 856.351.2911. Salem Community College does not provide on-campus student housing.
Salem Community College maintains a strong commitment to campus safety and security. Exterior lighting and landscape control is a critical part of that commitment. Department members conduct routine checks of lighting on campus during regularly assigned patrol duties. If lights are discovered to be out or dim, officers will initiate an immediate work order, which is acted upon by Campus Operations. We encourage community members to report any deficiency in lighting to Public Safety at 856.351.2911.
The College relies on its close working relationships with local law enforcement agencies to receive information about incidents that students may be involved in. Public Safety will actively investigate information it receives concerning or involving a member of the campus community who may be involved in criminal activity. If the College is notified of a situation in which a member of the College community is a victim of a crime, the department may issue a Campus Safety Alert, describing the nature of the incident and providing tips so that other community members may avoid similar incidents.
Crime prevention plays an important role at Salem Community College. The Department of Public Safety operates as a component of the educational process for students, faculty and staff within the campus community. The program relies on a teamwork approach, with the responsibility for the reduction of crime shared by the Department of Public Safety, the individual student, staff or faculty member, and the campus community. The following is a listing of the crime prevention programs and projects utilized by the Department:
- New Student Orientation: Crime prevention presentation accompanied by SCC Emergency Pocket Guides and Student Handbook is presented as a formal part of new student orientation at the start of each semester.
- New Employee Orientation: New employees are provided with campus safety and security information.
- Faculty and Staff Training: Faculty and staff are provided with crime prevention training annually at the College’s Opening Session or In-Service Training.
- Personal Safety Escort Program: If you must travel alone, regardless of time of day, the campus escort program provides a safe, reliable way to travel throughout the campus. Should anyone desire to be accompanied by a Public Safety officer to get to their vehicle or public transportation, simply go to a “red” phone, emergency call box or, call the Communications Center at 856.351.2911. An officer will then be sent to you.
- Department Website: The department’s website is available to all students, faculty, staff, guests and visitors. The website provides up-to-date crime prevention programs, tips, and general information.
- Security Alarm Systems: Alarm systems monitor a campus-wide network of intrusion and duress alarms.
- Surveillance Camera System: The College has a closed circuit television system located throughout the College which monitors activity as a deterrent to crime.
- Special Event Security: The Department works with event organizers to insure that the event being held is safe for all participants.
The use, possession, distribution, and/or sale of controlled substances, including alcohol, is against state law and College Policy and is strictly prohibited on College property.
Salem Community College is an educational institution committed to maintaining an environment which allows students to enjoy the full benefits of their learning experience and to understand the negative consequences of the illicit use of alcohol and drugs on their lives. In accordance with the College Policy and in accordance with P.L. 101-226, the College declares that it will make every effort to provide its students with an environment that is free of the problems associated with the unauthorized use and abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs.
The College is committed to promoting the wellness and positive self-development of to its students and employees. Any violations of state law or College Policy will be enforced. Offenders may be prosecuted criminally or through the College’s disciplinary code. Sanctions for violations of this policy can range from suspension to expulsion from the College. Criminal sanctions can include fines, imprisonment, or both.
Every drug has multiple effects that depend on the properties of the drug and the dosage taken. When two or more drugs are taken together, or in sequence, their effects may be stronger than their additive sum.
The effects of drug use are highly individualized. Drug use or abuse can affect a person’s physical, emotional and social health. It can cause accidents, illnesses, drug dependence, overdose and even death. It can cause legal problems, economic problems, school or work problems, and relationship problems. Drug use and abuse can cause serious harm.
The following is a partial list of the common health effects of alcohol and drug use and abuse:
- Blackouts
- Gastritis
- Cirrhosis of liver
- Mouth, throat and liver cancer
- Heart disease
- Accidents
- In pregnant women, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (birth defect)
- Confusion and distortion of time perception
- Increased heart rate
- Short term memory loss
- Loss of motivation
- Damaged lung tissue
- Tolerance and psychological dependence
- Elevated blood pressure
- Nervousness, panic states
- Hyperactivity
- Insomnia
- Malnutrition
- Acute psychoses
- Death
- Painful nosebleeds and nasal erosion
- “Coke blues,” and intense depression after the high
- Psychological dependence
- Heart attack
- Seizures, coma and death
- In pregnant women, miscarriage or stillbirth
- Confusion
- Loss of coordination
- Psychological and physical dependence
- Seriously-impaired driving skills
- Coma
- Death
- Especially dangerous when taken in combination with other drugs
- Loss of judgment and self-control
- Diminished sex drive and sexual performance
- Tolerance
- Physical and psychological dependence
- Malnutrition
- Infections, including hepatitis
- Overdose can cause convulsions, coma and death
- Hallucinations
- Panic attacks
- Violent behavior, especially with PCP
- Flashbacks
- Tolerance
- Birth defects in user’s children
- High dosage can cause convulsions, coma and death
Salem Community College does not have in-house pastoral or professional counseling, drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs available to students or employees on our campus or instructional sites. Students requesting these services will be referred to:
Healthcare Commons
500 Pennsville-Auburn Road
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
(856) 299-3200
Employees requesting these services will be referred to SCC’s Employee Assistance Program.
Other Local Resources:
Alcoholics Anonymous
(856) 848-5744 Woodbury, N.J.
(866) 920-1212 Cherry Hill, N.J.
Addiction Recovery Programs
Substance Abuse Information
Salem County Health Department
(856) 935-7510, Ext. 485
Camden County Health Department
(856) 374-6000 or (800) 999-9045
Gloucester County Health Department
(856) 218-4101
Cumberland County Health Department
(856) 327-7602
Under the Higher Education Act,( Title IV Section 485(k) students become ineligible for Federal student aid programs upon a conviction under state or federal statutes during any period of enrollment of any offense involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs. These programs include Federal Pell Grants, Direct Loans, Direct PLUS Loans, Direct Graduate PLUS Loans, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, ACG Grants, SMART Grants, TEACH Grants, Work Study, and Perkins Loans. All convictions occurring after submission of the FAFSA require immediate notification of the financial aid administration, forfeiture of future eligibility and repayment of all federal financial aid received after the conviction.
A previous conviction does not automatically result in ineligibility for federal student aid. Previous convictions do not include those that have been removed from your record or those which occurred before you turned 18, unless you were tried as an adult. Count only federal or state convictions for the possession or sale of illegal drugs if the offense occurred during a period of enrollment for which you were receiving federal student aid (grants, loans, and/or work-study). Contact the U.S. Department of Education for more information on question 23 of the FAFSA form which addresses convictions related to drug offenses.
Any conviction for any offense involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance while enrolled at Salem Community College and receiving federal student aid, shall result in your not being eligible to receive federal student aid beginning on the date of such conviction and ending after the interval specified below:
Ineligibility resulting from illegal possession of a controlled substance:
- 1st Offense: 1 year from the date of conviction.
- 2nd Offense: 2 years from the date of conviction.
- 3rd Offense: Indefinite. (See Rehabilitation below)
Ineligibility resulting from sale of a controlled substance:
- 1st Offense: 2 years from the date of conviction.
- 2nd Offense: Indefinite. (See Rehabilitation below)
Rehabilitation and Reinstated Eligibility:
Eligibility may be reinstated prior to the end of the penalty period by completing a drug rehabilitation program that is approved by the U.S. Secretary of Education, including passing at least 2 unannounced drug tests.
Salem Community College is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students, faculty and staff can work and study in an atmosphere free from all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. Every member of the College community should be aware that the College is strongly opposed to sexual assault and harassment and that such behavior is prohibited both by federal and state law, as well as College policy.
Salem Community College will take whatever action may be needed to prevent, correct, and if necessary, discipline and/or prosecute behavior that violates this policy and the law. All forms of sexual assault and all attempts to commit such acts are regarded as serious offenses that are likely to result in suspension, required withdrawal, expulsion, or termination. Prosecution may take place, in accordance with New Jersey criminal law, independent of College action.
Reporting a sexual assault may help prevent another assault. Reporting the incident does not mean that the survivor must proceed with a prosecution. Immediately following an attack, the survivor should try to write down everything she or he remembers about the incident, including the physical description of the suspect(s) and any further information about the identity or location of the suspect(s).
There are many organizations that support victims and offer options.
Sexual Crimes Defined
Any sexual physical contact that involves the threat or use of force or violence, or any other form of coercion or intimidation;
Any sexual physical contact with a person who is unable to consent due to incapacity or impairment (including being asleep or under the influence of alcohol or drugs)
Rights of the Accuser and the Accused
Both the accuser and the accused are entitled to have others present throughout the disciplinary hearing.
The accuser and the accused will be immediately informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding dealing with charges of sexual assault.
The accuser will have the right to attend the entire disciplinary hearing if he or she so chooses.
The accuser’s irrelevant past sexual history will not be discussed during the hearing.
The accuser will have right to make a “victim impact statement” during the preceding and suggest punitive action to be taken by the college.
Other Assistance
Salem Community College does not have in-house counseling programs available to students who are victims of sex offenses. Students requesting these services will be referred to:
Healthcare Commons
500 Pennsville-Auburn Road
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
(856) 299-3200
In an effort to provide further assistance to a victim of a sexual assault, Salem Community College will, at the request of the victim, make adjustments in the academic schedule if the victim and accused have classes scheduled together. This is provided an alternative class selection is available. In all likelihood, the accused will be moved for the safety and security of all involved.
The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the College community where information concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained.
In New Jersey, this information is accessible at:
You may also visit the Salem City or Carneys Point police departments or the New Jersey State Police for information regarding registered sex offenders in the area.
Public Safety maintains a daily crime log that records chronologically, all crimes and other serious incidents that occur on campus, in a non-campus building, on contiguous public property, or within the department’s patrol jurisdiction. The daily crime log is available for inspection at the Department’s headquarters in Tillis Hall, Room 117. The daily crime log includes the nature, date, time, and general location of each crime reported to us, as well as the disposition of the complaint, if this information is known to us at the time the log is created.
To ensure the safety and security of the workplace, Salem Community College does not condone any behavior that may be considered potentially violent. Threats and/or threatening behavior, or acts of violence by students, College employees, or others against staff members, faculty, students, visitors, or other individuals on College property or by College employees in the conduct of College business while off campus, are cause for removal from the workplace and may result in discipline and/or termination of employment.