Student Life

Life outside the classroom is an important part of defining your success and greatness. Developing well-rounded students is a goal at SCC, and no matter where your interests lie, you’ll find the perfect place to fit in with Student Life at SCC.

SCC provides diverse programming geared towards social, civic, cultural, academic, and leadership engagement. The possibilities to explore your interests, get connected to the SCC community, and create long-lasting memories are endless! To learn more about how you can get involved, visit DON-101 in Donaghay Hall, or contact

Student Life


Student Resources & Basic Needs Support

Salem Community College cares about our students and making sure they have the resources and support to be successful both in and out of the classroom. This section contains both internal and external (local) resources that are available to students at no cost.

    The Academic Support Lab (ASL) gives you access to tutoring and other support services. You can visit the ASL in-person or virtually through Zoom.


    The Office of Accessibility Services offers a range of services to both support and accommodate students with disabilities to succeed in their academic programs.

    Visit the Manager of Accessibility Services in DON108
    P: 856.351.2773

    Salem Community Colleges offers gender neutral restrooms for college community member or campus visitors to utilize. These single-stall restrooms can be found at the below locations:

    • Tillis Hall (Rooms 107 and 203)
    • Nursing Center (Rooms 101C and 201)
    • Glass Education Center (Room 103)

    Salem Community College welcomes and supports students, faculty, and staff who are parents. On-campus lactation spaces can be found at the below locations:

    • Nursing Center, Room 101B
    • Mamava Pod, Davidow Hall Lower Lobby

    The Lactation Room located in the Nursing Center is open access when not in use by another community member. If the Nursing Center external door is locked, access can be gained by visiting the Department of Public Safety located in Tillis Hall, Room 112.

    The Mamava Pod located in the lower lobby in Davidow Hall can be accessed using the Mamava app (free to download).

    Questions or access concerns can be sent to

    Wendy Decker, MS, LAC, NCC provides free, confidential, short-term, student-centered, culturally responsive, and solution focused individual and group mental health counseling to current SCC students. Wendy meets with students in person during office hours, as SCC does not offer after hours or crisis counseling. A counseling session is typically 30-50 minutes in length and sessions are commonly scheduled weekly or bimonthly. All sessions are scheduled based on therapeutic need. If you are uncertain how counseling works, please feel free to make an appointment to learn more!

    Crisis Resources:

    Uwill is a telehealth service focused on mental health and wellness. Students can connect with licensed counselors with specialties in anxiety, depression, grief, relationships, family concerns, substance use, stress, isolation, etc. There's no cost associated with the service (yes, it's totally FREE for students!). 

    Uwill has a crisis connection line: 833-646-1526. Free access to a licensed counselor trained in trauma to all NJ college students.

    988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Phone or TEXT: provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States.

    Health Care Commons: 856- 895-0003, 24/7 Emergency Mental Health Urgent Care, 500 S. Pennsville-Auburn Road, Carney’s Point, NJ.

    Salem Medical Center: 856-935- 1000, ER with 24/7 Mental Health Care, 310 Salem Woodstown Road, Salem, NJ.

    TalkCampus is a world-wide peer support network that is available 24/7/365! TalkCampus connects students to their peers who have similar situations and may be experiencing challenging moments. There is so much power in peer support, so we hope you will consider signing up for this service! SCC student email required. Cost: FREE!

    The pantry provides non-perishable food items, toiletries, hygiene products, and other essential items. If you're a student at SCC and find yourself in need, or if you know of any students who could benefit from these resources, we're here to help! All you need to do is send us an email at or stop by the front desk at Student Services in Donaghay Hall. Don't hesitate to reach out, we're here to support YOU!

    All students must show courtesy and respect for each other and for faculty and other College employees. Students are expected to respect College property as well as the property of others. Students are expected to comply with the direction of faculty in the conduct of their instructional activities.

    Student Conduct

    Salem Community College strives to create a safe, welcoming and supportive environment for all students. Students are expected to follow the College’s Student Conduct Policy as described in this section. Additional details can also be located in the current College Catalog.

      All students must show courtesy and respect for each other and for faculty and other College employees. Students are expected to respect College property as well as the property of others. Students are expected to comply with the direction of faculty in the conduct of their instructional activities.

      Students are prohibited from engaging in any type of harassment, intimidation, or bullying in accordance with the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act of 2010. This Act is not intended to alter or reduce the rights of any SCC students with disabilities.

      Harassment, intimidation, or bullying are defined as any gesture or act -- written, verbal, or physical, or any electronic communication -- that is reasonably perceived as motivated by any distinguishing characteristic that substantially disrupts or interferes with the College's orderly operation, including SCC-sponsored events, or the rights of students. These distinguishing characteristics include but are not limited to race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability.

      A reasonable person should know that such intimidation may physically or emotionally harm a fellow student or group of students.

      Effects may include but are not limited to placing reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to oneself or damage to personal property, insulting or demeaning a student or a group, creating a hostile environment, or infringing on the rights of fellow students.

      Students who are on College property and under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances are liable for disciplinary action. Possession, consumption and use or transfer of controlled substances or alcoholic beverages are violations of "Student Conduct Guidelines."

      Board of Trustees Policy: 3.0 (See 3.0 Enrollment Management)

      Date Adopted: March 24, 2011

      Salem Community College shall not tolerate students engaging in any type of harassment, intimidation or bullying, in accordance with the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (P.L. 2010, c. 122). The College shall include anti-bullying guidelines in the Standards of Conduct, published annually in the Student Handbook.

      For more information on Standards of Conduct, refer to the Student Handbook.

      Any student who acts in a manner contrary to the best interests of the College will be subject to such sanctions as the circumstances justify, including suspension or dismissal. Students are subject to the regulations of Salem Community College on campus or off, whenever they are participating in College-sponsored activities. The College reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a student at any time. Students subject to disciplinary action may be dismissed without any refund, partial or otherwise.

      In the event a student has a dispute over an assigned course grade or course practice, the Conflict Resolution process as outlined below must be followed:

      Level 1

      Submit a Student Grievance Tracking Form.

      Request a meeting with the instructor within four weeks of the event occurrence.

      Complaints brought forth after the designated timeframe will be dismissed.

      Discuss the issue with the instructor. If the matter is resolved, the process ends and there is no need to proceed further.

      If the issue is not resolved, if the instructor is no longer working at the College, or the student is requesting to bypass the informal meeting, the student may request to proceed to level 2. Please complete the Student Grievance Tracking Form and select the check box at the bottom of the form requesting to NOT schedule an informal meeting. Please note that you will need to explain why you cannot have an informal meeting.

      Discuss all evidence related to unresolved issue. A completed Conflict Resolution Form documenting the previous discussion with the faculty member is required.

      Level 2

      If the issue is not resolved, the student may appeal to level two, within two weeks of the level 1 meeting with the employee. Please have ready any documentation that you may have from the informal meeting (level1). Appointments are usually scheduled within one week. Please continue to check your student email. If you would like to check status of your grievance, you may contact the Office of Academic Affairs at 856.351.2670.

      At this meeting, discuss all evidence related to the unresolved issue.

      Level 3

      If the issue is still not resolved, the student may request a meeting with the Chief Academic Officer within one week after the level 2 formal meeting. The student must provide a complete Student Grievance Form indicating prior meetings and/or discussions with the instructor and the appropriate Division Supervisor and any other necessary documentation to the Office of Chief Academic Officer. The Chief Academic Officer will schedule a meeting with the student within one month of receiving the student's request, review all relevant facts and render a final decision.

      You can request this level 3 meeting by contacting the Office of Academic Affairs at 856.351.2670.

      Failure to follow this process as outlined will result in the dismissal of your complaint.


      Title IX/Sexual Harassment/Sex Based Discrimination

      Salem Community College complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, sexual violence, and discrimination against pregnant and parenting students.

        Salem Community College reaffirms its commitment to a positive academic/work environment for all students, faculty, staff, student employees, contractors, vendors, volunteers and visitors. All members of the College community have the right to expect an equitable opportunity environment which promotes them to experience the full benefits of their work and learning experiences. Therefore, the unlawful discrimination, implicit or explicit coercive sexual behavior/harassment, and sexual misconduct will be not tolerated.

        Salem Community College complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. As stated by the U.S. Department of Education, Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance.

        Title IX states that:  No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

        The Title IX Coordinator and/or Title IX designee, shall investigate allegations of sexual harassment made by students or College employees, and if substantiated, take appropriate action, consistent with State and Federal laws and other Board policies.

        Sexual harassment shall be defined as:

        • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; 
        • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decision affecting such individual;
        • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment; or
        • Such verbal or physical conduct interferes with an individual’s work, professional or academic performance, productivity, physical security, extracurricular activities, academic or career opportunities or other services.

        Other sexually harassing conduct (also includes conduct via email and/or social media), whether committed by peers or supervisors includes, but is not limited to:

        • Unwelcome sexual flirtations, touching, advances or propositions;
        • Slurs or other verbal abuse of a sexual nature;
        • Graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s dress or body;
        • Sexually degrading works to describe an individual;
        • The display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; 
        • Off-color language or jokes of a sexual nature; 
        • Questions regarding an individual’s sexual conduct, orientation or preferences; or 
        • Physical assault. (Any criminal sexual assault will be addressed in compliance with the Salem County College Sexual Assault Policy.)

        The College’s policy to provide a work and academic environment free of sexual harassment applies to the conduct of students, faculty, vendors, contractors, visitors, volunteers, and other persons who enter upon College property.  No such person shall engage in sexually harassing conduct, as defined in this policy, while on College premises or while taking part in any College-sponsored activity or function.

        No trustee, officer, faculty member, student or employee of Salem Community College is authorized to engage in activity, to take any action or refrain from taking any action, if the action or failure to act will result in a violation of this policy.

        Salem Community College will abide by the most current ATIXA One Policy, One Procedure (1P1P) Model as its guidelines effective August 1, 2024.

        To report Title IX violations, please complete the SCC Title IX Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Complaint form.  All forms may be submitted directly to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator.

        Salem Community College reaffirms its commitment to a positive academic/work environment for all students, faculty, staff, student employees, contractors, vendors, volunteers and visitors. All members of the College community have the right to expect an equitable opportunity environment which promotes them to experience the full benefits of their work and learning experiences.  Therefore, the unlawful discrimination, implicit or explicit coercive sexual behavior/harassment, and sexual misconduct will be not tolerated.

        The Board of Trustees authorizes the President to appoint a Title IX Coordinator to investigate allegations of sexual harassment made by students or College employees, and if substantiated, to take appropriate action, consistent with state and federal laws. Investigations will be conducted with all deliberate speed, conforming at minimum to the 45 calendar day requirements.

        Salem Community College will abide by the most current ATIXA One Policy, One Procedure (1P1P) Model as its guidelines effective August 1, 2024.

        For incidents that occurred August 1, 2024 to present, Salem Community College will abide by the most current ATIXA One Policy, One Procedure (1P1P) Model, also known as the Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy, as its guidelines effective August 1, 2024.

        For incidents that occurred August 14, 2020-July 30, 2024, Salem Community College will abide by the ATIXA One Policy, Two Procedures (1P2P) Model as its guidelines.

        Inquiries or concerns can be sent to or to any of the below Title IX Team Members:

        Kelly Schimpf, Title IX Coordinator (on leave October 2024-March 2025)
        P: 856-351-2247

        Amy Bennis-Kimball, Interim Title IX Coordinator
        P: 856-351-2831

        Maura Cavanagh Dick, Title IX Deputy Coordinator (Academic Affairs)
        P: 856-351-2754

        Dr. Bob Bunnell, Title IX Deputy Coordinator (Athletics)
        P: 856-351-2239

        Shachara Adams, Title IX Deputy Coordinator (HR/Personnel)
        P: 856-351-2707

        Salem Community College (SCC) is committed to providing a welcoming, safe and supportive environment for all. If you witnessed or have knowledge of a concerning incident involving a SCC student, staff or faculty member, please use this form to report the incident. Please provide detailed information concerning the incident, when possible.

        Forms are typically reviewed within one business day. If this is an EMERGENCY situation, CALL 911 or contact the Department of Public Safety at 856-351-2911.

        This form is to be used to report incidents of general misconduct, care and concern, and alleged policy violations. Examples of incidents to be reported using this form include, but are limited to:

        • Student Conduct Violations
        • Mental Health/Wellness Concern
        • Assault/Sexual Assault
        • Stalking
        • Bullying/Harassment
        • Discrimination
        • Fights/threats


        Clubs and organizations meet students' academic and social interests and provide opportunities to get involved beyond the classroom and have a significant impact on the campus community. Take a look below at some of the student organizations available at SCC.

        Those interested in forming a student organization should email for information on policies and procedures. Applications to start a new club or organization are available in DON-101 in Donaghay Hall.

          Advisor: Brenda Quinn

          Students of all religious backgrounds are encouraged to join the Campus Ministry group. Each week, the group participates in stimulating, reflective, and congenial conversations to discuss and explore faith. The group meets every Monday in the Student Union from noon to 1 p.m. For more information, please contact

          Advisor: TBD

          Chi Alpha Epsilon is the national honor society that recognizes the academic achievement of SCC students who are admitted into the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program or who participate in the developmental curriculum of the Center for Student Success. SCC’s Delta Lambda Chapter of Chi Alpha Epsilon -- recognized as a model chapter by the honor society’s founder in 2006 -- promotes continued high academic standards, provides leadership opportunities and fosters communication among its members and the College community. Membership is based on grade point average.

          Advisor: Kevin Blair
          P: 856-351-2230

          Video Games and Tabletop RPGs of all kinds! From Smash Bros., DBZ FighterZ, to DnD, Monster of the Week, and more! Stop by to play some games or watch some. Let’s Plays! All students are welcome to join.

          Advisor: Doug Ohm
          P: 856.351.2233

          The Glass Club is open to all students with an interest in glass art. Members promote glass art by providing demonstrations and exhibits to the College community. Students also strive to improve their own creative skills through seminars and workshops. Members also participate in SCC’s annual International Flameworking Conference, which brings prominent glass artists to campus.

          Advisor: Kahlil V. Gunther, Director

          The Salem Community College Oak Singers was established as a college-based community choir by Charles H. Musser in 1991 with a group of 23 singers. Since that time, the choir has grown into a vibrant ensemble that has become part of the musical life of Salem County. Oak Singers offers a winter and spring concert each year along with various other college and civic performances.

          Membership in the Oak Singers is open to anyone who enjoys singing, both from the college and the wider community. No audition is required. 

          Rehearsals are held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. each Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters in the Sol and Jean Davidow Performing Arts Theatre in Davidow Hall on the SCC campus, 460 Hollywood Ave., Carneys Point. 

          For more information or to join, please email

          Advisor: Bill Mays
          P: 856.351.2766

          Advisor: Laura Green
          P: 856.351.2616

          Phi Theta Kappa -- the international honor society for two-year colleges -- recognizes and promotes academic achievement among students, provides opportunities for leadership training, encourages personal growth, and fosters fellowship among members and associates. Phi Theta Kappa sponsors service projects benefiting SCC and the community. Membership, based on grade point average, is by invitation. Students who have not yet met membership requirements are encouraged to attend Phi Theta Kappa sponsored events and activities. For more information, visit PTK on Facebook or contact an advisor.

          Advisor: Katelyn Good
          P: 856.351.2636

          Interested in planning and coordinating the events around campus? Get involved with the Student Life Committee! Meetings take place the second Thursday of every month at 3:30 p.m.