Robin DeGroof
Scientific Glass Technology, A.A.S., 2022
Alumni Profile: Robin DeGroof
October 30, 2022
Upon deciding on a career in scientific glass, Robin DeGroof knew he had to enroll at Salem Community College.
“I enjoyed the ability to explore glass in any way imaginable at Salem, with the facilities and materials coupled with education uniquely available at SCC's Glass Education Center (GEC). Scientific Glass Technology teachers helped me grow into a better glassblower and a better person,” said Robin, who graduated with honors in May 2022.
In the 2021-22 academic year, he received the Batsto Citizens Committee Inc., Scholarship. “I was able to focus on the glassblowing aspect of my education until I was able to choose the jobs I so desired. It furthered the freedom glassblowing opened up in my life,” he said.
“To those who contributed to the scholarships which assisted my education, I thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart,” Robin continued. “To you, and all scholarship donors and sponsors, thank you for helping provide the path towards my personal success. In all paths of higher education, I believe Salem Community College goes the furthest to help individuals develop and improve themselves for their own sake and that of the community.”
Robin has launched his scientific glass career at Pope Scientific Inc. in Saukville, Wisc. “I've moved across the country for a ‘dream job’ in glassblowing, thanks not only to my hard work, but to my incredible Salem teachers and directors.”
With his career underway, Robin has long-term goals in mind. “I would say finding the overall fulfillment in my life outside of glassblowing to keep my love of glass alive and fresh,” he said. “I'd like to save up and buy a house so I can fully shift my life towards my career, and my enjoyment thereof.”
His advice to SCC glass students: “To all incoming glass program students, you're in the right place. There is no better place to learn the skills of glassblowing. Don't take anything for granted, and take advantage of any interesting opportunities. Do these two things, add some magic from GEC leadership, and blow glass harder than you ever have, and you'll land yourself the sweetest glass career possible. Art or science, you can't go wrong.”