All students must complete an online Application for Graduation whether they intend to participate in May Commencement and/or whether they wish to receive a diploma.
Graduation Application Deadline Information
Graduation Period | Application Deadline - NO FEE | Late Application Deadline - $35 FEE |
December 2024 | November 22, 2024 | December 6, 2024 |
May 2025 | February 21, 2025 | March 14, 2025 |
August 2025 | July 10, 2025 | July 24, 2025 |

Applying for Graduation
Students should consult with their advisor for a graduation evaluation prior to registering for their final semester.
Students must clear any holds prior to submitting an Application for Graduation.
Applying for graduation is not an automatic process. Students must complete and file an Application for Graduation and pay applicable fees in order to receive an associate degree or certificate from Salem Community College.
It is the student's responsibility to file his/her Application for Graduation on time. Deadlines are posted on the College web site (see above). Deadlines are strictly observed. Students who fail to file an Application for Graduation by the deadline date cannot be guaranteed inclusion in the Commencement program.
The ultimate responsibility for meeting graduation requirements rests with the individual student. Advisors and the Registrar's Office make every effort to assist the student so that college work may be completed within the desired period. SCC cannot assume responsibility for ensuring that the right courses are taken at the right time. It is the student's responsibility to provide missing transcripts, make schedule changes, and, if necessary and appropriate, obtain approved course substitutions/waivers to complete the program requirements for graduation.
The College reserves the right to make necessary course and program changes in order to meet current educational standards. To qualify for an associate degree or certificate from Salem Community College, students must:
- Complete all specified curriculum requirements, including all general education requirements. Note: Developmental courses do not count toward graduation.
- Achieve a final cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. Students in nursing programs must achieve a final cumulative GPA of at least 2.3.
- Fulfill all departmental and/or program requirements as designated in the program of study. See options below.
Students maintaining continuous enrollment at Salem Community College may graduate according to the requirements in effect at the time they enrolled or the requirements in effect at the time of graduation.
Students who change their major while enrolled may graduate according to the requirements of their major in effect at the time they changed their major or the requirements in effect at the time of graduation.
Continuous enrollment is defined as enrollment in at least one course per semester during the academic year (fall and spring semester). Students who have a break in enrollment for two or more semesters and apply for graduation must satisfy the degree requirements in effect at the time of re-admittance.
Students must file an Application for Graduation with the Registrar's Office to initiate the formal certification process. The final review of students' academic records occurs once grade processing is complete. All documents that affect a student's degree, such as transcripts for transfer work, course substitutions, grade changes, requirements, and waivers must be on file with Student Affairs. Eight weeks after Commencement, diplomas will be available for pick-up in Student Affairs in Donaghay Hall.
Salem Community College holds one Commencement ceremony in May for students completing certificate and degree programs. Graduates from August and December are invited to participate in the ceremony and are included in the Commencement program. Students must complete all program requirements to participate in Commencement.
Students seeking to earn more than one associate degree at Salem Community College must:
- Meet all program requirements for each degree.
- Meet general education requirements for each degree.
- Complete a minimum of 15 program-specific credits in one major that are different from another major.
Students who previously earned an associate degree from Salem Community College and reenter in a certificate program must complete a minimum of three major courses in the new program.