Databases for Journal & News Articles
*if you are attempting to access databases from off-campus,
you may be required to enter your student ID number
**If you are asked to enter "barcode" or "access code", enter your student ID number

Database Tutorials
Salem Community College provides a number of online resources that can be utilized by students for research and academic development. There are a couple of ways to learn how to effectively use the various databases.
Visit the library and ask a member of the library staff to help you with basic search functions. For more in-depth instruction, it is recommended that you schedule an appointment with a member of the library staff.
Access to over 3,000 full text journals and 25,000 SSRN papers related to the business profession.
Access to local and regional business publications.
Access to over 3,000 worldwide business periodicals.
Over 1,200 business periodicals focused on the trade industry.
Full text article for more than 4,500 journals.
Contains the most current and commonly used accounting standards with interpretations.
Includes more than a thousand drug information monographs published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
Thousands of historical primary documents, archived and digitized by The Library of Congress.
Contains over 600,000 digital quality images related to art and world history. (No remote access available.)
Access to thousands of full text articles related to the art profession.
Access to essential banking industry publications.
Contains over 2,300 full text journal articles related to the business profession. Provided by the New Jersey Knowledge Initiative.
Access to a variety of Canadian business publications.
Full text access to 230 Canadian newspapers.
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) indexes the top nursing and allied health literature available including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text provides full text for more than 700 nursing and allied health journals indexed in the CINAHL database plus additional resources such as Evidence-Based Care Sheets, Quick Lessons, and more.
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress.
Online encyclopedia with information on thousands of topics.
Online encyclopedia with information on thousands of topics.
If you are unable to access from off campus, please call the Library at 856-351-2681 for sign in credentials.
More than 100,000 full text documents from professional education journals.
Over 3,300 job and career profiles.
Over 25,000 encyclopedic entries. offers girls ages 10 to 16 reliable, useful information on health and well-being.
More than 4,600 full text articles on human impact to the environment.
Nursing: Full text access to nearly 550 scholarly journals focusing on a multitude of medical disciplines, as well as 1,300 generic drug patient education sheets.
Information on more than 40,000 public and private businesses and companies.
The Image Collection database consists of more than 1 million total images relating to people, natural science, places, history, and flags.
NJ State databases including Ref. USA, Masterfile premier, and InfoTrac.
Powerful tools and expert guidance to help you find a great job.
Providing exclusive online full-text for many of the top consumer legal reference books.
Articles related to library science and computer science.
Searching library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts.
Includes bios and literary criticism on the most studied authors in world literature.
Contains full text for more than 500 popular magazines.
Contains over 1,750 general publications on a variety of topics.
Online access to a medical dictionary, directory, and thousands of articles on topics related to the medical profession.
Contains full text for more than 140 popular middle school magazines.
Military OneSource is a confidential Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life at no cost to active duty, National Guard, and reserve members, and their families.
Provides access to top world-wide news from a variety of reputable sources.
NIHSeniorHealth makes aging-related health information easily accessible for family members and friends seeking reliable, easy to understand online health information.
Official Newsletter published by the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA).
NoveList is a comprehensive readers' advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction with an intuitive interface and extensive proprietary content.
A guide to healthcare research, development, and regulatory issues.
Contains full text for more than 70 popular magazines for elementary school research.
Full text periodical articles on controversial topics such as abortion, gun control, and global warming.
A gateway to information on the Far Eastern market, includes company profiles and journal articles.
Over 280 full text journals related to the field of biology.
Over 540 full text journals related to vocational trades and technology (including computer science).
Periodical articles on programming and network management.
The largest aggregated database of periodicals covering 160 subject areas.
A comprehensive collection of U.S. and international criminal justice periodicals.
Contains 600 full text education journal articles.
A gateway to information on the European market, includes company profiles and journal articles.
Contains over 360 full text journal articles on health, nutrition, and sports injuries.
A comprehensive collection of full text periodicals on clinical, biomedical, consumer health, and health administration.
Full text articles from over 385 journals related to military service and history.
Full text articles from the Eastern Edition of the Wall Street Journal from 1984 to the present along with other business related newspapers.
Access to over 650 full text journals, along with 11,000 dissertations related to the nursing profession.
Access to over 540 full text journals, along with 4,000 dissertations related to the field of psychology.
Full text articles from over 120 journals related to world religions.
Full text articles from over 2,700 scholarly journals.
Contains 540 full text science journals articles.
Full text articles from more than 315 social science journals.
Contains over 100 full text periodicals on telecommunications.
Reference USA is the leading provider in business and consumer research! Offering a full-service platform, Reference USA helps users create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, raise funds and locate people.
Latin Reference.
Coverage of 75 business journals and newspapers.
Offering a wide variety of information in small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, this database covers common business types, a help and advice section, and how-to’s for creating business plans that lead to successful funding.
Business and company reports, USA and international.
Access to over 270 popular educational journals.
Access to over 14,000 feeds covering a range of business and general news topics. is recognized as a leader in women's health information.
Printable full colored maps, with up-to-date country profiles and statistics.