Studio Art

Associate in Fine Arts

Prepare for an exciting career in the biological and chemical sciences. Every day, scientific advances and breakthroughs are being made, and you can be at the forefront. With our expert faculty, state of the art labs and passion for science, our program prepares you with the scientific fundamentals and principles required to pursue advanced studies. Science is a fast-growing and exciting field filled with discovery – be a part of it today!

Our Biology/Chemistry program prepares you for advanced studies or specialization at a 4-year institution. Students who obtain an Associate’s Degree may pursue careers such as, but not limited to, biological or chemical technicians.

Studio Art
    Lauren Riek, graduating class of 2019

    "Salem made it easy to succeed. With small personalized classes that were flexible to schedule, I was able to work while completing my degree. The things I have learned assisted me in transitioning into a successful freelancing career."

    -- Lauren Riek, graduating class of 2019

    Students have successfully transferred to:

    • Moore College of Art and Design
    • Rowan University
    • Maryland Institute College of Art
    • Savannah College of Art and Design
    • Kutztown University
    • The College of New Jersey

    Students who complete the Studio Art, Associate of Fine Art and go on to earn a bachelor degree may find employment in occupations such as:

    • Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary
    • Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
    • Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education
    • Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education
    • Self-Enrichment Education Teachers
    • Archivists
    • Curators
    • Museum Technicians and Conservators
    • Art Directors
    • Craft Artists
    • Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators
    • Multimedia Artists and Animators
    • Commercial and Industrial Designers
    • Graphic Designers
    • Set and Exhibit Designers
    • Photographers
    • Art Therapists
    • Jewelers
    • Gem and Diamond Workers
    • Precious Metal Workers
    • Etchers and Engravers
    ART115Two-Dimensional Design3$112.00$636.00$748.00
    ART116Three-Dimensional Design3$112.00$636.00$748.00
    ENG101English Composition I3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    CGA-ELEC or FNA-ELECComputer Graphic Arts or Fine Arts Elective3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    Subtotal: $3,516.00*
    * - Subtotal is cost before any anticipated financial aid is applied.


    ART119Color Theory3$112.00$636.00$748.00
    ART130Figure Drawing3$259.00$636.00$895.00
    ENG102English Composition II3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    SOC101Introduction to Sociology3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    CGA-ELEC or FNA-ELECComputer Graphic Arts or Fine Arts Elective3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    Subtotal: $3,551.00*
    * - Subtotal is cost before any anticipated financial aid is applied.


    ART112 or ART144Painting or Printmaking3$112.00$636.00$748.00
    ART225Portfolio in Professional Practices3$112.00$848.00$960.00
    FNA101Art History I3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    CGA-ELEC or FNA-ELECComputer Graphic Arts or Fine Arts Elective3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    MATSCI-ELECMath or Science Elective3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    Subtotal: $3,616.00*
    * - Subtotal is cost before any anticipated financial aid is applied.


    ART112 or ART144Painting or Printmaking3$112.00$636.00$748.00
    ART205Basic Digital Photography3$112.00$636.00$748.00
    ENG202Introduction to Speech Communication3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    FNA102Art History II3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    CGA-ELEC or FNA-ELECComputer Graphic Arts or Fine Arts Elective3$0.00$636.00$636.00
    Subtotal: $3,404.00*
    * - Subtotal is cost before any anticipated financial aid is applied.


    Total Program Cost: $14,087.00*

    * - Tuition is based on the current in-county rate.
    ** - Elective tuition and fees may vary depending upon actual course selection.