Glass Art

Associate in Fine Arts

The Glass Art curriculum provides students with a carefully planned program of study that focuses on exploring contemporary glass.

Glass Art, Associate in Fine Arts

The Glass Art curriculum provides students with a carefully planned program of study that focuses on exploring contemporary glass; the acquisition of traditional hand skills in varied glassmaking techniques; and complementary studies in art history, digital imaging and professional presentation. The program -- in which design, collaboration, community and creative expression play an integral part -- allows students to see their work develop from initial idea to finished product, under technical and creative guidance.

The program introduces a multitude of glassmaking processes for glass art students to discover the techniques that best serve their creative ideas. The curriculum includes the instruction of flameworking, glassblowing, kiln casting, fusing and slumping, and cold-construction techniques. The program emphasizes the lineage of glass-art making, while at the same time, glass art students are asked to push the boundaries of the material as they see fit.

Glass Art

The program emphasizes other disciplinary studies through strong two-dimensional and three-dimensional design courses, art history, and portfolio and professional practice development. SCC Glass Art students develop a strong ability to think and speak critically about glass art through critical in-class discussions, and museum and gallery visits.

Upon the completion of the program, graduates are ready for the opportunity to transfer to a 4-year institution to continue their studies and are also prepared for employment within the field of creative glass. Graduates of the Glass Art program have gained employment at art institutions, in production and design firms, as artists assistants, as artists in their own right, they have successfully launched their own businesses, and have taught classes and workshops throughout the world. 

Learn about some of our amazing SCC Glass Art graduates at

Glass Art

Bronagh Dempsey

Graduating class of 2020 (A.F.A. & A.A.S.)

“Salem really gave me an advantage over my peers as I was given hands-on glass instruction from the beginning which is not typical. Also, the hand skills I developed taking SGT classes [at SCC] are not offered anywhere else in the country and this allowed me to excel at flameworking.”

Bronagh Dempsey, graduating class of 2020 (A.F.A. & A.A.S.)

Students have successfully transferred to:

  • Tyler School of Art, Temple University
  • Alfred University
  • Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Southern Illinois University
  • California College of the Arts
  • Kent State University
  • Rhode Island School of Design
  • Jacksonville University
  • University of Texas at Arlington
ART115Two-Dimensional Design3$112.00$636.00$748.00
ART116Three-Dimensional Design3$112.00$636.00$748.00
ENG101English Composition I3$0.00$636.00$636.00
FNA110Creative Principles of Flameworking3$396.00$636.00$1032.00
Subtotal: $3,912.00*
* - Subtotal is cost before any anticipated financial aid is applied.


ART130Figure Drawing3$259.00$636.00$895.00
ENG102English Composition II3$0.00$636.00$636.00
FNA120Cold Glass Assemblage and Surface Treatment3$396.00$636.00$1032.00
FNA210Sculptural Approaches/Flameworked Glass3$396.00$636.00$1032.00
SOC-ELECSocial Science Elective3$0.00$636.00$636.00
Subtotal: $4,231.00*
* - Subtotal is cost before any anticipated financial aid is applied.


ART205Basic Digital Photography3$112.00$636.00$748.00
ART225Portfolio in Professional Practices3$112.00$636.00$748.00
FNA101Art History I3$0.00$636.00$636.00
FNA150Glassblowing I3$538.00$636.00$1174.00
FNA221Kiln Techniques3$453.00$636.00$1089.00
Subtotal: $4,395.00*
* - Subtotal is cost before any anticipated financial aid is applied.


FNA102Art History II3$0.00$636.00$636.00
FNA222Kiln Casting and Pate de Verre3$453.00$636.00$1089.00
FNA250Glassblowing II3$566.00$636.00$1202.00
GENED-ELECGeneral Education Elective3$0.00$636.00$636.00
MATSCI-ELECMath/Science Elective3$0.00$636.00$636.00
Subtotal: $4,199.00*
* - Subtotal is cost before any anticipated financial aid is applied.

Total Program Cost: $16,737.00*

* - Tuition is based on the current in-county rate.
** - Elective tuition and fees may vary depending upon actual course selection.