General Education
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Cultural and Global Awareness
- DIV 101 - Diversity and Multiculturalism in the U.S.
- GEO 101 - World Regional Geography
- PHL 222 - Comparative Religions
- SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology
- HIS 101 - Western Civilization I
- HIS 102 - Western Civilization II
- HIS 161 - World History I
- HIS 162 - World History II
- HIS 201 - United States History I
- HIS 202 - United States History II
- ART 101 - Art Appreciation
- ENG 210 - Introduction to Drama
- ENG 211 - Studies in the Short Story
- ENG 221- American Literature I
- ENG 222- American Literature II
- ETH 200 - Ethics in the Modern World
- FNA 101 - Art History I
- FNA 102 - Art History II
- HIS 101 - Western Civilization I
- HIS 102 - Western Civilization II
- HIS 161 - World History I
- HIS 162 - World History II
- HIS 201 - United States History I
- HIS 202 - United States History II
- HUM 101 - Introduction to the Humanities
- MUS 101 - Music Appreciation
- MUS 104 - Introduction to Musical Theater
- PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
- PHL 150 - Introduction to Ethics
- PHL 222 - Comparative Religions
- SPA 101 - Elementary Spanish I
- SPA 102 - Elementary Spanish II
- MAT 134 - Contemporary Mathematics
- MAT 137 - College Algebra
- MAT 153 - Precalculus
- MAT 201 - Statistics
- MAT 231 - Calculus I
- MAT 232 - Calculus II
- MAT 233 - Calculus III
Oral and Written Communication
- ENG 101 - English Composition I
- ENG 102 - English Composition II
- ENG 122 - Business and Occupational Writing (for AAS programs only)
- ENG 202 - Introduction to Speech Communication
- BIO 101 - General Biology I
- BIO 102 - General Biology II
- BIO 103 - Environmental Science I
- BIO 104 - Environmental Science II
- BIO 150 - Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology
- BIO 211 - Principles of Microbiology
- BIO 213 - General Ecology
- BIO 220 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIO 221 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
- CHM 100 - Basic Chemistry
- CHM 101 - College Chemistry I
- CHM 102 - College Chemistry II
- CHM 130 - Basic and Organic Chemistry
- CHM 201 - Organic Chemistry I
- CHM 205 - Organic Chemistry II
- PHY 101 - Physics I
- PHY 102 - Physics II
Social Science
- ECO 201 - Macroeconomics
- ECO 202 - Microeconomics
- GEO 101 - World Regional Geography
- POL 101 - Introduction to Political Science
- POL 102 - American Government
- PSY 101 - General Psychology
- PSY 111 - Human Growth and Development
- PSY 201 - Child and Adolescent Psychology
- SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology
Technological Competency